Sunday, July 28, 2013

Best Practices To Write Effective Pay- Per- Click Ad Text

Writing effective ad text is a challenging task that takes sometime to master. Fitting eye-catching phrases into the 25 character headline and 70 character description space isn't easy. But ads are an important part of a PPC campaign; and need to be well written and compelling despite the character  limitations. Before you ever start writing an ad, there's some preliminary research steps you must take.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

“The ONE Thing That Separates The Pros From The Amateurs In The PPC Game”

There is ONE main idea, one key concept that Bing Ads and Google want you to understand. If you get this right, Bing Ads and Google will literally reward you with a Low Cost-Per-Click(CPC), and your prospects
will reward you by buying what you have to offer.

If you DON'T get this right, you will pay way more for clicks, your competitors will swallow you up and your whole PPC experience will be very, very unpleasant.The ONE thing that matters on Google AdWords and Bing Ads is relevancy.You might think of this as a "Message To Market Match" This will make complete sense once you understand a bit of Google's mission in life which was to build a search engine that would give people exactly what they were searching for, as fast as possible. If you were looking for SEO Training Courses, they wanted to give you the very best and most popular SEO Training Courses websites on the
very first page of results.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

How Google AdWords Quality Score Works

Today, I would like to give a brief overview of one of Google AdWords most important concepts - Quality Score.

There is a lot of misunderstandings about the Quality Score that you receive for your campaigns in Google AdWords and what drives it up or down. 

So, how does quality score work and why should you care so much about it.? A keyword quality score takes a number of factors into account to determine if the keyword is eligible to enter the auction. In other words, is your ad eligible to show when someone searches on a given keyword? If your ad is eligible, quality score affects its Ad rank (position) which determines where your ad will appear on a search engine results page. Ad Rank is calculated by multiplying your bid amount for a keyword and its quality score.